Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tiny Tasks

I'm stuck.

I've been wanting to think that I'm done as most of the rooms have been cleaned, purged and cleaned again. But the reality is...the truth is...I've done some good work, but the job is not finished.

So in my "stuck miserable place", I went to the Lord this afternoon for wisdom. I decided I need to look at this area of self-education with a renewed sense of obeying the Lord and "starting again" or maybe just starting phase two now that some of the big stuff has been overcome (only to reveal the little stuff waiting to be overcome and put away).

I knew I needed some time to think. So this afternoon I sat down with a new binder with a section for "cleaning". I started by writing down some things I feel stuck about...WHEN I do have time during the day for some cleaning, I look around, and around and around and wind up overwhelmed...not knowing where to dive in. And then I start the escape plan...usually by sitting at the computer. This has been going on for some weeks (even months) now and needs to be exposed. I'm using this escape as an excuse to not listen to the Lord's prompting my conscience to KEEP GOING.

After repenting, I went to Him for wisdom...I need a plan to complete the vision.

He inspired me to make a list of "tiny tasks" and suggested to focus on these tiny tasks for the month of April. I figured that I might have 20 days in which I'd have some small block of time to take on one of these tiny tasks. He gave me the idea to write each tiny task on a tiny piece of paper. These went into a zippie bag in my notebook (so it doesn't get lost)!

So...tomorrow I should have some time...all I have to do is pick out ONE tiny task-and DO IT. I already feel a weight lifted! Only one at a time and by the end of April, some of these tasks that are dangling will be done! Then it will be time to start in earnest on the sunroom. Of course, there's always the possibility of doing more than one...something I always tell my children, to go above and beyond. So I can focus on not only the tiny task, but maybe more. :)


  1. Hey there sweet Michelle, we are sisters on a similar journey here... the Lord has shown me how I also sit at the computer as a response to feeling overwhelmed with all that I need to do. He has also given me instructions on recording what needs to be done, a little differently than notes in a Ziploc - I love that He drew you to do that, He's not just loving but so creative and specific to each of us. He also gave me two specific things to do on Sunday, and as I was doing them I noticed other things that needed to be done but He let me know it wasn't time for those things right now and I was actually able to let it go with joy in my heart. He didn't give me a specific time to be working on these two things, but I know I need to work on them until He gives me something new... my kids really are enjoying living newly in these areas in the kitchen... it's only been a few days and I have a track record of inconsistency so I am looking forward to this sticking long term...

    Blessings as you move forward in your tiny tasks!

    1. Thanks so much, Nancy, you've inspired me twice today! (dots on test was the first thing!)

      I have PEACE knowing there's a PLAN! I don't walk around with this huge burden of guilt anymore! I know that I'm doing what I need to do...and all those messy places I see WILL get done very soon. :)


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